Wednesday, 17 June 2015

About IP management skills and corporate consulting services in Latin America

Protecting intellectual property or intellectual properties management was once the purview of pharmaceutical or the technology companies. However situations have changed and industries in the path of these accelerating technologies have now started to find themselves with the critical need for IP fluency. There is every indication that IP management skills and corporate consulting services in Latin America are the crucial elements when it comes to the point of yielding the maximum potential of IP assets.

These skills thus will allow countries like Latin America to gain access to emerging tools, technologies, and resources that can dramatically improve the health and welfare of their citizens. For instance; effective IP management can allow institutions in using their own research products in entering into public-private partnerships that can direct the power of industry to the needs of the poor. Without knowledge of sophisticated IP management and without getting the general intellectual property advice, however, such efforts as well as their benefits will be impossible.

Alongside the general intellectual property advice in regard to patent, trademark and copyright, there are other areas of IP which also needs protection. These areas include industrial designs, geographical indications, domain names, unfair competition, contract law etc.

It is also important to mention that the ever evolving global IP regime thus should not be treated as laws and legislation; rather, IP rights and corporate consulting services Latin America are first and foremost. It offers the much required encouragement of investments in innovation.

Second, general intellectual property advice and IP rights systems have been created to regulate access to intellectual property. Keep in mind; IP rights thus are not primarily about preventing others from using the intangible assets but IP rights are strategic tools to determine the best course of action to get intellectual property used.

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Saturday, 6 June 2015

Talk to a professional firm for protecting intellectual property in Latin America

Let us come to the point straightaway – how important is protecting intellectual property in Latin America to your startup? S a matter of fact it was not too long ago that defensible IP was one of the top things, which the venture capitalists wanted to see in a startup. After all, creating and maintaining a robust IP portfolio is expensive.

Get the fact straight here - Patents don’t determine whether a startup will be able to scale. However at almost every step of a start up, mid sized or big enterprise – needs to plan for success. If your startup starts to scale quickly, a strong IP portfolio will be vitally important for playing the long game. The world’s largest innovators, including Google, Microsoft and Apple, seem to agree and they are also investing top dollar to ensure that their corporate IP portfolios are diverse, rich in innovation, and allow them to hedge against many possible futures. Needless to say not just protecting the intangible assets but also intellectual properties management nowadays stand as an aspect to mull over.

With this comes the next important aspect - so what should startups do for protecting intellectual property rights?

Well; it is not possible to answer this in one simple term. First things first get smart on intellectual property. You should educate yourself and team on the basics of trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. Reduce costs by doing your own IP searches first and then talk to a professional firm for protecting intellectual property in Latin America. It is also important to mention here that patents aren't your only asset and therefore you should conduct an audit to identify all your registered and unregistered trademarks and copyrights. Also; file as fast as you can. A patent application holds your place in line.

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